Growth Love Poetry reflections Self selflove writing

To Understand [an understanding]

Be wary of yourself.

Be wary of your mind.

Be wary of the expectations you put on them.


Not everyone is you.

Not everyone will understand your spirit man.

This is for the ones who will take the time to unfold.

To peel back your layers and take delight in being enthralled in your essence.


Understand that a time will come when you will let them go

Those expectations that you carry so –


Enough that you often get burned.


Big wishes and bigger dreams.

They must not consume you.

Inhale the present.

Exhale the resentment.

Don’t let them bring you down.


To be expectant of someone who is still expecting themselves.

You may have found you.

Not everyone can.

Take some time to understand your fellow Wo(man). 

